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Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, students at Stanford University. Google now processes over 20 petabytes of the worlds data each day. Google's initial mission statement was
"to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful,"
and it's unofficial slogan was
"Don't be Evil"

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Facebook was launched on February 4th 2004,by Mark Zuckerberg and fellow Harvard College students. It now is actively used by
1.59 billion users. Features by Facebook have come under scrutiny for their subversion of peoples privacy and their understanding of their privacy. One such feature was Beacon which gave Facebook information on users activity on external web pages

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"just setting up my twttr" was the first tweet posted by co-creator Jack Dorsey, an undergraduate at NYU. Twitter went on to become "the SMS of the internet". With around 500 million tweets a day Twitter can gather a crowd like voice, and even assist revolution and activism such as in the Arab Spring. But also can be used to spread hate by the likes of ISIS or Donald Trump

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Introducing F*%K U.
Destroy yourself. Virtually.

The constant creep of soical media platforms and governments grasp into our online and private lives has gone on long enough. F*%K U will be the response.
F*%K U provides the capability to disseminate incorrect and misleading information from any of your social platforms with one button. Rendering any profile of you useless and wrong.

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This app is a placeholder for everyone who's angry, concerned or otherwise about their online/virtual privacy, with no power to resist individually. With a large enough base of people the collective yell will make the content providers consider our identities and privacy and the value of us sharing them rather than it being taken. This could lead to a place of user owned data, rather than corporation collected

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UI Concept.
Keep it simple.

The idea of destroying your social profile is scary so F*%K U's design will have to be simple and intuitive to compete with the addictive quality of social media. With only one button as an interface it is as clear and effective as possible.

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The victim itself.

Google, Facebook and Twitter all have very powerful APIs which you can utilise for all sorts of tracking/posting/searching functions. This is how data is collected on you, so it's fitting that it's what you use to mess with it. As an example, Twitter uses something called OAuth which is used to authorise apps to use the REST API and access GET and POST on your Twitter account. This could be used to update your profile background image among other things. This would enable an automated process which updates your account beyond recognition.

Below is a proof of concept for 'F*%K U'. Pressing the Tweet button will generate a random Tweet which may or may not represent you.

Allowing it to be sent is the first example of what could F*%K U

Give it a go.
F*%K your Twitter up